Month: April 2020


Second state lawmaker files suit against Pritzker stay-at-home order

Cabello’s case seeks relief for all Illinois residents By REBECCA ANZELCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — A second Republican state representative on Wednesday filed a lawsuit against Gov. JB Pritzker alleging he overstepped his authority in ordering Illinoisans to stay at home to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus. The […]


Pritzker blasts lawmaker exempted from stay-at-home order by court

State reports record 144 coronavirus deaths in past 24 hours By BEN ORNERCapitol News SPRINGFIELD — Gov. JB Pritzker on Tuesday denounced a state representative from southern Illinois, calling the lawsuit that defeated his stay-at-home order in court “a cheap political stunt.” Referring to state Rep. Darren Bailey, R-Xenia, […]


Illinois Attorney General to appeal judge’s ruling halting stay-at-home order against lawmaker

Another Republican representative will file a near-identical lawsuit By REBECCA ANZEL Capitol News SPRINGFIELD — The Illinois Attorney General’s office filed a notice to appeal a downstate judge’s ruling releasing one Republican representative from the governor’s executive orders, according to court documents. Xenia Republican Rep. Darren Bailey alleged in […]


Mahomet Restaurant Specials April 27-May 2

Each week the Mahomet Daily will contact local business owners to get updated on options, hours and specials until the COVID-19 restrictions are over. We hope that you will continue to support all local businesses who are opening their doors and hearts to you. Arby’s Mahomet: Continues to utilize drive-thru […]