BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet-Seymour School Board members Meghan Hennesy and Lori Larson will make up the board’s policy committee, which held its first open meeting Wednesday morning. Led by Superintendent Lindsey Hall, the meeting began with an overview of recommended PRESS Updates. The full board will be made aware […]
Month: June 2019
Day Trips: Goosecreek Blueberries opens for the summer
BY DANI TIETZ Picking a handful of blueberries may seem like a pastime of summer’s past, but Goosecreek Blueberries located just outside of Monticello opened this morning with parents, toddlers, and teenagers combing rows and rows of blueberry plants. In its third year selling you-pick blueberries, Goosecreek Blueberries opens […]
MSFPA 8U finishes season
The Mahomet-Seymour 8U Softball team finished their spring season last weekend. Addie Hirsbrunner, Benelli Ellis, Brenna Dyer, Brooke Alderks, Chandler Mills, Clara Ummel, Fallon Hughes, Hadley Carolan, Harlow Carolan, Lauryn Uebelhoer, Lena Ishcomer, Madeline Willard and Phoebe Graham were coached by Head Coach Carrie Ummel and Assistant Coaches Jamie Alderks, […]
MSSC ’05 boys place first in league
The MSSC 05 Boys placed first in the Central Illinois Youth Soccer League during the 2019 Spring season.
Brogan’s Corner: Is teenage boredom good? Or Bad?
BY BROGAN HENNESY After months of waiting, summer vacation is finally here. Essays and tests are replaced by relaxation and fun times. My summers are packed full of swimming, jumping on the trampoline, and traveling. I spend time golfing with my dad and brother, visiting family in Colorado, and running […]
D-Day stories come to life at Museum of the Grand Prairie
Coming onto a beach where more than 4,000 Allied soldiers and another 4,000 Axis soldiers have lost their lives, is something that the world has only seen, and may only see, once. Operation Overlord, also known as D-Day, is widely remembered on June 6 each year, but those who were […]
Kilborn Alley to perform at Homer Lake Sunday
BY DANI TIETZ Grunge. Hip Hop. R&B. Heavy Metal. Rock. Rap. The 1990’s were all about music. Champaign natives Andrew Duncanson, Josh Stimmel and Chris Breen began their band, Kilborn Alley, in 1999. They had no idea where their talent might take them. Producing blues music for 19 years, […]
Celebrate the Fourth with activities in Mahomet-Seymour
BY DANI TIETZ Staying in Mahomet or Seymour for the Fourth of July makes for a fun-filled lazy day with family and friends. A hometown parade full of tractors and candy kicks the day off right at 10 a.m. in Seymour. The Seymour Fourth of July Parade, which started […]
36th Annual Bulldog Open June 28
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet, Ill.-Registration for the 36th Annual Bulldog Open Golf Outing is still open. The event will begin at the Lake of the Woods Golf Course with a 1:00 p.m. shotgun start on Friday, June 28. A $100.00 per person fee includes lunch, dinner and gifts. All proceeds support […]
Mahomet-Seymour School Board to open committee meetings to public
BY DANI TIETZ Mahomet, Ill.- The Mahomet-Seymour School Board will open its committee meetings to the public beginning Wednesday, June 19. The district sent the Policy Board Agenda to constituents with children enrolled in school via Skyward Monday. The Policy Committee will meet at 10:30 a.m. in the Middletown […]