I am a resident of Briar Cliff and right now I feel like collateral damage. Collateral damage is most often used in war for innocent civilians or building being caught in the line of fire. Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, expressed the philosophy that drove 19th century […]
Month: April 2019
Letter to the Editor: Tax rebate on annexed home
The Villge of Mahomet is trying annex the 49 homes in the quiet, older part of Briarcliff. I have lived in Briarcliff since 1993 with water from Sangamon Valley, road maintenance from the township, and police protection from the county. Mahomet is not offering me any upgrades in service, but […]
Applications for Fisher Fair Queen Pageant Now Open
UPDATED MESSAGE FROM SUPERINTENDENT LINDSEY HALL “At this time, all buildings in the district will dismiss as normal this afternoon. There will be increased law enforcement presence at the impacted schools. Based on information that has been gathered, we feel it is best to follow our regular dismissal procedures at […]
Lincoln Trail and Mahomet-Seymour Junior High under soft-lockdown
Lincoln Trail and Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School are under a soft-lockdown as Mahomet Police Department investigates a domestic issue nearby. Parents received the following message via Skyward a few moments ago. “At this time, 12:52 p.m., both Lincoln Trail and Mahomet-Seymour Jr. High are going on a soft lock down. […]
Commentary: Ranked Choice Voting Could Help Fix Illinois Politics
By Ben Chapmanbenbart.chapman@gmail.com Machine. Hegemony. Establishment. Deep State. The Back Room. Whatever you call the ominous forces that corrode our politics and entrench corruption, I’m sick of it. And from what I’ve heard, many other Illinoisans are, too. We’re sick of rich donors and well-funded committees deciding who wins elections. […]
Driver’s Ed programs putting emphasis on importance of Scott’s Law
By FRED KRONERfred@mahometnews.com The message is getting through loud and clear. Brianna Suits and her peers at St. Joseph-Ogden are talking about it. So are Mahomet-Seymour teen-agers Addi Jones and Avery Seaman. Scott’s Law is one they carry in their minds as they operate vehicles. Suits learned about it in […]
DiFilippo picks up 250th win, Soccer wins 11th shutout, Bulldog softball steps up at the plate
By FRED KRONERfred@mahometnews.com Coach Nic DiFilippo’s 250th career baseball win on Wednesday came courtesy of a shutout. Mahomet-Seymour traveled to Peru St. Bede and two Bulldog pitchers combined for the 13-0 win. The shutout was the team’s second of the spring. DiFilippo is in his 13th year as head coach […]
Glumac serves as honoray page at State Capitol
On April 11th, State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) Mahomet student Tim Glumac to serve as an honorary page for the day at the Capitol in Springfield.
Jones serves as honoray page at State Capitol
On April 10th, State Senator Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) Mahomet student Kadyn Jones to serve as an honorary page for the day at the Capitol in Springfield.