
2019 5 Essential Survey Results: Mahomet-Seymour Junior High

Mahomet-Seymour Junior High

Based on Illinois’ 5 Essentials Surveys filled out by teachers and parents, Mahomet-Seymour Junior High is organized for improvement. 91.9-percent of students at MSJHS took the survey whereas 85.7-percent of students this age statewide did. 99.9-percent of teachers took it in comparison to 80-percent of teachers at these grade levels statewide. And 37.4-percent of parents took the survey whereas 20.1-percent took it statewide. 

All districts are required to administer a climate and culture survey annually. The 5 Essentials Survey provides school districts with detailed data on school culture and climate by inquiring into five critical areas for school improvement. The Illinois 5Essentials Reports draw from the 2018-19 5Essentials Organizing Schools for Improvement Survey administered December 2018 – March 2019. 

Parent responses to the survey are not publicly distributed, but school districts receive the feedback.

Middletown Prairie Results     Lincoln Trail Results     Mahomet-Seymour High School Results

Effective Leaders: Average

Program Coherence: More (Respondent, Teachers)
Once we start a new program in this school, we follow up to make sure that it’s working.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Disagree: 19%
Agree: 75%
Strongly Agree: 4%

We have so many different programs in this school that I can’t keep track of them all.
Strongly Disagree: 6%
Disagree: 54%
Agree: 38%
Strongly Agree: 2%

Many special programs come and go at this school.
Strongly Disagree: 4%
Disagree: 58%
Agree: 38%
Strongly Agree: 0%

Curriculum, instruction, and learning materials are well-coordinated across the different grade levels at this school.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Disagree: 33%
Agree: 61%
Strongly Agree: 4%

There is consistency in curriculum, instruction, and learning materials among teachers in the same grade level at this school.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Disagree: 13%
Agree: 60%
Strongly Agree: 25%

Teacher Influence: Average (Respondent, Teachers)
Planning how discretionary school funds should be used.
No influence: 7%
A little influence: 43%
Some influence: 43%
A great deal of influence: 7%

Determining which books and other instructional materials are used in classrooms.
No influence: 0%
A little influence: 26%
Some influence: 41%
A great deal of influence: 33%

Establishing the curriculum and instructional program.
No influence: 0%
A little influence: 24%
Some influence: 33%
A great deal of influence: 42%

Determining the content of in-service programs.
No influence: 13%
A little influence: 43%
Some influence: 28%
A great deal of influence: 15%

Setting standards for student behavior.
No influence: 0%
A little influence: 17%
Some influence: 57%
A great deal of influence: 26%

Teacher Principal Trust: More (Respondent, Teachers)
The principal has confidence in the expertise of the teachers.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Agree: 44%
Strongly Agree: 56%

I trust the principal at his or her word.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Agree: 35%
Strongly Agree: 65%

It’s OK in this school to discuss feelings, worries, and frustrations with the principal.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 7%
Agree: 50%
Strongly Agree: 43%

The principal takes a personal interest in the professional development of teachers.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 2%
Agree: 55%
Strongly Agree: 43%

The principal looks out for the personal welfare of the faculty members.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Agree: 39%
Strongly Agree: 61%

The principal places the needs of children ahead of personal and political interests.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 2%
Agree: 32%
Strongly Agree: 66%

Teachers feel respected by the principal
Not at all: 0%
A little 0%
Some 17%
To a great extent: 83%

The principal at this school is an effective manager who makes the school run smoothly.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 0%
Agree: 40%
Strongly Agree: 60%

Instructional Leadership: Less (Respondent, Teachers)
Makes clear to the staff the leadership’s expectations for meeting instructional goals
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 7%
Agree: 72%
Strongly Agree: 29%

Communicates a clear vision for our school.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 6%
Agree: 76%
Strongly Agree: 19%

Presses teachers to implement what they have learned in professional development.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 11%
Agree: 78%
Strongly Agree: 11%

Knows what’s going on in my classroom.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 24%
Agree: 70%
Strongly Agree: 6%

Provides me with useful feedback to improve my teaching.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 26%
Agree: 67%
Strongly Agree: 7%

Has provided me with the support I need to improve my teaching.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 19%
Agree: 72%
Strongly Agree: 9%

Collaborative Teachers: Average
Teacher-Teacher Trust: Less (Respondent, Teachers)

Teachers in this school trust each other.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Disagree: 17%
Agree: 76%
Strongly Agree: 4%

It’s OK in this school to discuss feelings, worries, and frustrations with other teachers.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 17%
Agree: 70%
Strongly Agree: 13%

Teachers respect other teachers who take the lead in school improvement efforts.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 20%
Agree: 70%
Strongly Agree: 11%

Teachers at this school respect those colleagues who are experts at their craft.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 16%
Agree: 64%
Strongly Agree: 20%

Teachers feel respected by other teachers
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 13%
Agree: 39%
Strongly Agree: 48%

Collective Responsibility: Less(Respondent, Teachers)
Help maintain discipline in the entire school, not just their classroom?
About Half:24%
Nearly all:13% 

Take responsibility for improving the school?
About Half:22%
Nearly all:24% 

Feel responsible to help each other do their best?
About Half:19%
Nearly all:22% 

Feel responsible that all students learn?
About Half:9%
Nearly all:30% 

Feel responsible for helping students develop self-control?
About Half: 22%
Nearly all:17% 

Feel responsible when students in this school fail?
About Half:26%
Nearly all:13% 

School Commitment: Average (Respondent, Teachers)

I feel loyal to this school.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 6%
Agree: 61%
Strongly Agree: 33%

I would recommend this school to parents seeking a place for their child.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 2%
Agree: 59%
Strongly Agree: 39%

I usually look forward to each working day at this school.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 4%
Agree: 72%
Strongly Agree: 24%

I wouldn’t want to work in any other school.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 21%
Agree: 45%
Strongly Agree: 34%

Collaborative Practices: Average(Respondent, Teachers)

Observed another teacher’s classroom to offer feedback?
Never: 69%
Once or twice: 26%
3-9 times:0%
10 or more times:5%

Observed another teacher’s classroom to get ideas for your own instruction?
Never: 60%
Once or twice: 33%
3-9 times:0%
10 or more times:7%

Gone over student assessment data with other teachers to make instructional decisions?
Never: 21%
Once or twice: 33%
3-9 times:31%
10 or more times:14%

Worked with other teachers to develop materials or activities for particular classes?
Never: 2%
Once or twice: 5%
3-9 times:29%
10 or more times:64%

Worked on instructional strategies with other teachers?
Never: 0%
Once or twice: 21%
3-9 times:40%
10 or more times:38%

Quality Professional Development: Average
Been sustained and coherently focused, rather than short-term and unrelated.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 15%
Agree: 69%
Strongly Agree: 15%

Included enough time to think carefully about, try, and evaluate new ideas.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 12%
Agree: 77%
Strongly Agree: 12%

Been closely connected to my school’s improvement plan.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 10%
Agree: 81%
Strongly Agree: 19%

Included opportunities to work productively with colleagues in my school.
Strongly Disagree: 0%
Disagree: 19%
Agree: 73%
Strongly Agree: 17%

Included opportunities to work productively with teachers from other schools.
Strongly Disagree: 13%
Disagree: 50%
Agree: 31%
Strongly Agree: 6%

Involved Families: Average

Teacher-Parent Trust: More (Respondent, Teacher)

Teachers feel respected by the parents of the students
Not at all: 0%
A little: 2%
Some: 50%
To a great extent: 48%

Parents support teachers teaching efforts
None: 0%
Some: 4%
About half: 16%
Most: 73%
All: 6%

Parents do their best to help their children learn
None: 2%
Some: 8%
About half: 24%
Most: 64%
All: 2%

Teachers and parents at this school think of each other as partners in educating children.
Strongly agree: 0%
Disagree: 18%
Agree: 70%
Strongly agree 12%

Staff at this school work hard to build trusting relationships with parents.
Strongly agree: 0%
Disagree: 4%
Agree: 74%
Strongly agree 22%

Teachers feel good about parents’ support for their work
None: 0%
Some: 10%
About half: 22%
Most: 64%
All: 4%

Parent Involvement in School: Average (Respondent, Teacher)
Attended parent-teacher conferences when you requested them?
None: 2%
Some: 5%
About half: 29%
Most: 57%
All: 7%

Volunteered time to support the school (e.g., volunteer in classrooms, help with school-wide events, etc.)?
None: 10%
Some: 65%
About half: 8%
Most: 18%
All: 0%

Contacted you about their child’s performance?
None: 0%
Some: 76%
About half: 10%
Most: 14%
All: 0%

Responded to your suggestions for helping their child?
None: 0%
Some: 45%
About half: 14%
Most: 40%
All: 0%

Parent Influence on Decision Making in Schools: Average
Involves parents in the development of programs aimed at improving students’ academic outcomes.
Not at all:11%
A little: 44%
A great deal:7%

Develops formal networks to link all families with each other (for example: sharing parent directories, providing a website for parents to connect with one another, etc.).
Not at all:20%
A little: 32%
A great deal:16%

Encourages more-involved parents to reach out to less-involved parents.
Not at all:31%
A little: 40%
A great deal:2%

Involves parents in commenting on school curricula.
Not at all:16%
A little: 43%
A great deal:5%

Includes parent leaders from all backgrounds in school improvement efforts.
Not at all:20%
A little: 43%
A great deal:2%


Supportive Environment: More (Respondent: Student)

Academic Personalism: Average (Respondent, Student)
Notices if I have trouble learning something.
Strongly disagree: 5%
Disagree: 16%
Agree: 50%
Strongly agree: 30%

Is willing to give extra help on schoolwork if I need it.
Strongly disagree: 4%
Disagree: 9%
Agree: 48%
Strongly agree: 39%

Helps me catch up if I am behind.
Strongly disagree: 4%
Disagree: 12%
Agree: 50%
Strongly agree: 35% 

Gives me specific suggestions about how I can improve my work in this class.
Strongly disagree: 4%
Disagree: 16%
Agree: 44%
Strongly agree: 36% 

Explains things in a different way if I don’t understand something in class.
Strongly disagree: 4%
Disagree: 12%
Agree: 47%
Strongly agree: 36% 

Peer Support for Academic Work: More (Respondent, Student)
Think doing homework is important?
A Few:7%
About Half: 20%
All: 18%

Feel it is important to pay attention in class?
A Few:4%
About Half:20%

Feel it is important to come to school every day?
A Few:5%
About Half:10%

Try hard to get good grades?
A Few:4%
About Half:17%

Safety: Average (Respondent, Student)
Outside around the school?
Not Safe:3%
Somewhat safe:16%
Mostly Safe:38%
Very Safe:44%

Traveling between home and school?
Not Safe:3%
Somewhat safe:11%
Mostly Safe:32%
Very Safe:54%

In your classes?
Not Safe:1%
Somewhat safe:3%
Mostly Safe:20%
Very Safe:75%

In the hallways of the school?
Not Safe:4%
Somewhat safe:17%
Mostly Safe:42%
Very Safe:37%

In the bathrooms of the school?
Not Safe:4%
Somewhat safe:13%
Mostly Safe:36%
Very Safe:46%

Student-Teacher Trust: Most (Respondent, Student)
My teachers always keep their promises
Strongly Disagree: 4%
Disagree: 20%
Strongly Agree:31% 

I feel safe and comfortable with my teachers at this school.
Strongly Disagree:3%
Disagree: 5%
Agree: 36%
Strongly Agree:57% 

My teachers treat me with respect.
Strongly Disagree: 3%
Disagree: 6%
Agree: 36%
Strongly Agree: 56%

My teachers will always listen to students’ ideas.
Strongly Disagree: 4%
Disagree: 13%
Agree: 41%
Strongly Agree: 42%

Ambitious Instruction: More

Quality of Student Discussion: Average (Respondent, Teacher)

Students build on each other’s ideas during discussion.
Never: 0%
Rarely: 6%
Sometimes: 65%
Almost always: 29%

Students use data and text references to support their ideas.
Never: 2%
Rarely: 10%
Sometimes: 59%
Almost always: 29%

Students show each other respect.
Never: 0%
Rarely: 2%
Sometimes: 36%
Almost always: 62%

Students provide constructive feedback to their peers and to me.
Never: 0%
Rarely: 10%
Sometimes: 63%
Almost always: 27%

Most students participate in the discussion at some point.
Never: 0%
Rarely: 4%
Sometimes: 43%
Almost always: 53%

Academic Press: More (Respondent, Student)
The teacher expects me to do my best all the time
Strongly disagree:1%
Strongly Agree:61%

The teacher expects everyone to work hard
Strongly disagree:1%
Strongly Agree:59%

This class really makes me think.
Strongly disagree:3%
Strongly Agree:34%

This class challenges me
Strongly disagree:3%
Strongly Agree:21%

The teacher asks difficult questions on tests
Strongly disagree:4%
Strongly Agree:18%

The teacher asks difficult questions in class
Strongly disagree: 5%
Disagree: 48%
Agree: 37%
Strongly Agree: 17%

This class requries me to work hard to do well
Strongly disagree: 3%
Disagree: 20%
Agree: 38%
Strongly Agree: 38%

I really learn a lot in this class
Strongly disagree: 3%
Disagree: 9%
Agree: 42%
Strongly Agree: 45%

The teacher wants us to become better thinkers, not just memorize things
Strongly disagree: 2%
Disagree: 4%
Agree: 30%
Strongly Agree: 64%

English Instruction: Least (Respondent, Student)
Rewrite a paper or essay in response to comments.
Never: 19%
Once or twice a semester: 24%
Once or twice a month: 27%
Once or twice a week: 19%
Almost every day: 11%

Discuss connections between a reading and real life people or situations.
Never: 11%
Once or twice a semester: 18%
Once or twice a month:25%
Once or twice a week:31%
Almost every day:15%

Discuss how culture, time, or place affects an author’s writing.
Never: 17%
Once or twice a semester:16%
Once or twice a month:24%
Once or twice a week:27%
Almost every day:15%

Improve a piece of writing as a class or with partners.
Never: 9%
Once or twice a semester:16%
Once or twice a month:26%
Once or twice a week:27%
Almost every day:21%

Debate the meaning of a reading.
Never: 31%
Once or twice a semester: 17%
Once or twice a month: 17%
Once or twice a week:22%
Almost every day:13%

Math Instruction: Most (Respondent, Student)
Write a few sentences to explain how you solved a math problem.
Never:  7%
Once or twice a semester: 7%
Once or twice a month:8%
Once or twice a week:27%
Almost every day: 50%

Explain how you solved a problem to the class.
Never: 8%
Once or twice a semester: 5%
Once or twice a month: 8%
Once or twice a week:21%
Almost every day: 58%

Write a math problem for other students to solve.
Never: 42%
Once or twice a semester: 15%
Once or twice a month: 19%
Once or twice a week:11%
Almost every day:13%

Discuss possible solutions to problems with other students.
Never: 7%
Once or twice a semester:5%
Once or twice a month:8%
Once or twice a week:19%
Almost every day:61%

Apply math to situations in life outside of school.
Never: 12%
Once or twice a semester: 10%
Once or twice a month:12%
Once or twice a week:25%
Almost every day:40%

Supplemental Measures:

Socialization of New Teachers: Most (Respondent, Teacher)
How many teachers are assigned a mentor teacher when they first begin working at this school?
None: 4%
A Few: 24%
Most: 33%
All: 39%

Experienced teachers invite new teachers into their rooms to observe, give feedback, etc.
Strongly disagree: 2%
Disagree: 33%
Agree: 57%
Strongly Agree: 9%

A conscious effort is made by faculty to make new teachers feel welcome here.
Strongly disagree: 0%
Disagree: 7%
Agree: 57%
Strongly Agree: 37%

Classroom Disruptions: More (Respondent, Teachers)
Create serious behavior problems in your class?
None: 60%
A few: 38%
A lot: 2%
Almost all: 0%

Refuse to respond when addressed?
None: 48%
A few: 50%
A lot: 0%
Almost all: 2%

Use inappropriate language during class?
None: 60%
A few: 40%
A lot: 0%
Almost all: 0%

Threaten you verbally?
None: 90%
A few: 10%
A lot: 0%
Almost all: 0%

Do off-task things (e.g., play games, text, talk on cell phone) during instructional time?
None: 21%
A few: 75%
A lot: 4%
Almost all: 0%

Student Responsibility: Average (Respondent, Teacher)
Come to class on time?
None: 0%
Some: 4%
About Half: 4%
Most: 27%
Nearly all: 65%

Attend class regularly?
None: 0%
Some: 0%
About Half: 2%
Most: 35%
Nearly all: 63%

Come to class prepared with the appropriate supplies and books?
None: 0%
Some: 4%
About Half: 4%
Most: 46%
Nearly all: 46%

Regularly pay attention in class?
None: 0%
Some: 4%
About Half: 10%
Most: 46%
Nearly all: 40%

Actively participate in class activities?
None: 0%
Some: 2%
About Half: 15%
Most: 40%
Nearly all: 42%

Always turn in their homework?
None: 2%
Some: 2%
About Half: 10%
Most: 45%
Nearly all: 41%

Teacher Safety: Less (Respondent, Teacher)
Physical conflicts among students
Not at all: 11%
A little: 59%
Some 28%
To a great extent: 2%

Robbery or theft
Not at all: 17%
A little: 70%
Some 13%
To a great extent: 0%

Gang activity
Not at all: 0%
A little: 0%
Some 0%
To a great extent: 0%

Disorder in classrooms
Not at all: 6%
A little: 47%
Some 43%
To a great extent: 4%

Disorder in hallways
Not at all: 4%
A little: 33%
Some: 46%
To a great extent: 17%

Student disrespect of teachers
Not at all: 0%
A little: 31%
Some 50%
To a great extent: 19%

Threats of violence toward teacher
Not at all: 52%
A little: 48%
Some 0%
To a great extent: 0%

Innovation: Least (Respondent, Teachers)
Teachers are continually learning and seeking new ideas.
Strongly disagree:4%
Strongly Agree: 7% 

Teachers are really trying to improve their teaching
None: 0%
Some: 11%
About Half: 20%
Most: 54%
Nearly All: 15%

Teachers are willing to take risks to make the school better
None: 0%
Some: 26%
About Half: 28%
Most: 32%
Nearly All: 14%

Teachers are eager to try new ideas
None: 0%
Some: 24%
About Half: 37%
Most: 26%
Nearly All: 13%

Reflective Dialogue: Less (Respondent, Teachers)
Teachers talk about instruction in the teachers’ lounge, faculty meetings, etc.
Strongly disagree:0%
Strongly Agree: 20% 

Teachers in this school share and discuss student work with other teachers.
Strongly disagree:0%
Strongly Agree: 22% 

Teachers discuss what helps students learn the best
Less than once a month:9%
2 or 3 times per month:22%
1 or 2 times per week:39%
Almost Daily: 30%

Teachers discuss the development of new curriculum
Less than once a month:30%
2 or 3 times per month:24%
1 or 2 times per week:43%
Almost Daily: 4%

Teachers discuss the goals of this school
Less than once a month:36%
2 or 3 times per month:38%
1 or 2 times per week:23%
Almost Daily: 4%

Teachers discuss managing classroom behavior
Less than once a month: 6%
2 or 3 times per month:19%
1 or 2 times per week:22%
Almost Daily: 54%

Collective Use of Assessment Data: Average (Respondent, Teacher)
Never: 2%
A few times: 15%
Every 6-8 weeks: 12%
Every 3-4 weeks: 29%
Weekly: 41%

With teachers in my grade level.
Never: 10%
A few times: 40%
Every 6-8 weeks: 12%
Every 3-4 weeks: 24%
Weekly: 14%

With teachers across grades.
Never: 56%
A few times: 29%
Every 6-8 weeks: 2%
Every 3-4 weeks: 10%
Weekly: 2%

With my principal
Never: 29%
A few times: 71%
Every 6-8 weeks: 0%
Every 3-4 weeks: 0%
Weekly: 0%

Academic Engagement: More (Respondent, Student)
The topics we are studying are interesting and challenging.
Strongly Disagree: 7%
Disagree: 20%
Agree: 52%
Strongly Agree: 21%

I usually look forward to this class.
Strongly Disagree:9%
Disagree: 22%
Strongly Agree: 24%

I work hard to do my best in this class.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Agree: 44%
Strongly Agree: 48%

Sometimes I get so interested in my work I don’t want to stop.
Strongly Disagree:17%
Disagree: 35%
Strongly Agree:19%

Classroom Rigor: Less (Respondent, Student)
Often connects what I am learning to life outside of the classroom.
Strongly Disagree: 7%
Disagree: 21%
Agree: 49%
Strongly Agree: 23%

Encourages students to share their ideas about things we are studying in class.
Strongly Disagree:2%
Disagree: 10%
Agree: 46%
Strongly Agree: 42%

Often requires me to explain my answers.
Strongly Disagree:1%
Disagree: 9%
Agree: 50%
Strongly Agree: 39%

Encourages us to consider different solutions or points of view.
Strongly Disagree:2%
Strongly Agree: 35%

Doesn’t let students give up when the work gets hard.
Strongly Disagree: 2%
Agree: 41%
Strongly Agree: 50%

We talk about different solutions or points of view.
Very Little: 9%
Some: 32%
Quite a bit: 39%
A great deal: 20%

Course Clarity: More (Respondent, Student)
It’s clear to me what I need to do to get a good grade.
Strongly Disagree:2%
Strongly Agree: 49%

The work we do in class is good preparation for the test.
Strongly Disagree:1%
Disagree: 6%
Agree: 47%
Strongly Agree: 46%

I learn a lot from feedback on my work.
Strongly Disagree:4%
Disagree: 17%
Agree: 59%
Strongly Agree: 29%

The homework assignments help me to learn the course material.
Strongly Disagree: 3%
Disagree: 10%
Agree: 48%
Strongly Agree: 39%

I know what my teacher wants me to learn in this class.
Strongly Disagree: 1%
Disagree: 4%
Agree: 44%
Strongly Agree: 50%

Emotional Health: Average (Respondent, Student)
I can always find a way to help people end arguments.
Strongly Disagree: 6%
Agree: 54%
Strongly Agree: 14%

I listen carefully to what other people say to me.
Strongly Disagree:3%
Strongly Agree: 30%

I’m good at working with other students.
Strongly Disagree:5%
Agree: 55%
Strongly Agree:26%

I’m good at helping other people.
Strongly Disagree:3%
Strongly Agree:31%

Grit: Average (Respondent: Student)
I finish whatever I begin.
Not at all like me:2%
Not much like me: 5%
Somewhat like me:27%
Mostly like me: 37%
Very much like me: 29%

I am a hard worker.
Not at all like me:2%
Not much like me: 5%
Somewhat like me:13%
Mostly like me: 33%
Very much like me: 48%

I continue steadily toward my goals.
Not at all like me:2%
Not much like me: 6%
Somewhat like me:16%
Mostly like me: 35%
Very much like me: 41%

I don’t give up easily.
Not at all like me:4%
Not much like me: 4%
Somewhat like me:17%
Mostly like me: 28%
Very much like me: 28%

Human and Social Resources in the Community: Most (Respondent, Student)
There are adults in this neighborhood that children can look up to.
Strongly Disagree:2%
Strongly Agree:41%

Adults in this neighborhood know who the local children are.
Strongly Disagree:6%
Strongly Agree: 22%

During the day, it is safe for children to play in the local park or playground.
Strongly Disagree:2%
Strongly Agree:44%

People in this neighborhood can be trusted.
Strongly Disagree:3%
Strongly Agree:36%

The equipment and buildings in the neighborhood, park, or playground are well kept.
Strongly Disagree:5%
Strongly Agree:36%

Inquiry-Based Science Instruction: Less (Respondent, Student)
Use laboratory equipment or specimens.
Never: 11%
Once or twice a semester: 31%
Once or twice a month:40%
Once or twice a week12%
Almost every day6%

Write lab reports.
Never: 4%
Once or twice a semester: 43%
Once or twice a month: 41%
Once or twice a week: 8%
Almost every day: 5%

Generate your own hypotheses.
Never: 4%
Once or twice a semester:27%
Once or twice a month: 45%Once or twice a week: 16%
Almost every day: 8%

Use evidence/data to support an argument or hypothesis.
Never: 5%
Once or twice a semester: 26%
Once or twice a month: 38%
Once or twice a week: 21%
Almost every day: 12%

Find information from graphs and tables.
Never: 5%
Once or twice a semester: 19%
Once or twice a month: 38%
Once or twice a week: 24%
Almost every day: 14%

Parent Supportiveness: More (Respondent, Student)
Encourage you to work hard at school.
Never: 1%
Some of the time:4%
Most of the time:15%
All of the time: 80%

Are supportive of the things you like to do outside of school.
Some of the time:7%
Most of the time:10%
All of the time: 73%

Listen to you when you need to talk.
Some of the time:7%
Most of the time:26%
All of the time: 65%

Show they are proud of you.
Some of the time:8%
Most of the time:18%
All of the time: 72%

Take time to help you make decisions.
Some of the time:12%
Most of the time:25%
All of the time: 60%

Rigorous Study Habits: More (Respondent, Student)
I set aside time to do my homework and study.
Strongly Disagree:5%
Strongly Agree:36%

I try to do well on my schoolwork even when it isn’t interesting to me.
Strongly Disagree:3%
Strongly Agree:46%

If I need to study, I don’t go out with my friends.
Strongly Disagree:9%
Strongly Agree:30%

I always study for tests.
Strongly Disagree:12%
Strongly Agree:23%

School Connectedness:Average (Respondent, Student)
I feel like a real part of my school.
Strongly Disagree:9%
Strongly Agree:23%

People here notice when I’m good at something.
Strongly Disagree:9%
Strongly Agree:18%

Other students in my school take my opinions seriously.
Strongly Disagree:12%
Strongly Agree:8%

People at this school are friendly to me.
Strongly Disagree:5%
Strongly Agree:22%

I’m included in lots of activities at school.
Strongly Disagree:9%
Strongly Agree:24%

School Safety: More (Respondent, Student)
I worry about crime and violence in this school.
Strongly Disagree:36%
Strongly Agree:10%

Students at this school are often teased or picked on.
Strongly Disagree:8%
Strongly Agree:11%

Students at this school are often threatened or bullied.
Strongly Disagree:21%
Strongly Agree:7%

Student Peer Relationships: Average (Respondent, Student)
Students report that their school peers

Like to put others down.
Strongly Disagree:25%
Strongly Agree:4%

Help each other learn.
Strongly Disagree:5%
Strongly Agree:18%

Don’t get along together very well.
Strongly Disagree:14%
Strongly Agree:5%

Treat each other with respect.
Strongly Disagree: 5%
Strongly Agree:12%


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