The Mahomet-Seymour School District will partner with the Village of Mahomet to provide a School Resource Officer (SRO) beginning in the 2018-2019 school year. Mahomet Police Officer Bill Ward has been selected to be the School Resource Officer. He will be stationed at Mahomet-Seymour High School, but will serve all […]
Month: June 2018
Sweet takes over as MUMC Pastor
By FRED KRONER Craig Sweet’s wife understands what is involved in being a minister, the time commitment, the need to be available beyond regular working hours and the prospects of relocating every few years. She not only understands, but she is also supportive. And yet, you will likely not […]
American Flags laid to rest on Flag Day
The American Legion Post 1015 honored flags that had served their purpose on June 14 with an Unserviceable Flag Ceremony. Flag Day commemorates June 14, 1777 when the United States adopted the flag of the United States of America. President Woodrow Wilson issued a proclamation in 1949 that June 14 would […]
Special M-S Board Meeting June 18
The Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education will meet at 6:30 p.m. for a closed board meeting to interview candidates to fill the seat vacated by Cheryl Melchi on Monday, June 18. The meeting will be held in the Mahomet-Seymour High School Library. [gview file=””]
Village Board Agenda 6.19.2018
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees will meet at 6 p.m. on June 19 in the Village Administration Building. [gview file=””]
Video from Village Board Meeting 6.12.2018
FFA Ag Issues Team takes third at State FFA Convention
The Mahomet-Seymour FFA Ag Issues team placed third at the state FFA convention this week.
Russell leaves behind Mahomet legacy
By FRED KRONER Obituaries often chronicle a person’s life in great detail, but occasionally reveal little more than to note the individual’s passing. The death notice for 98-year-old Dorotha Russell (who died on May 10, 2018 in Tomball, Texas) fell into the latter category. It started, “Long-time Mahomet resident…” […]
Loy named state’s sportscaster of the year
By FRED KRONER Two Mahomet-Seymour basketball coaches didn’t give Eric Loy a chance. A third one did, and that decision helped shape the future course for the 1983 M-S graduate. As a junior high student, Loy tried out for the basketball team. Coaches Don Akers (who later coached a […]
How Village of Mahomet annexation would affect residents
A postal address doesn’t always mean everyone in a community pays the same amount of taxes. Such is the case with the Mahomet community. According to a 2016 special census, 8,400 residents live under the jurisdiction of the Village of Mahomet. A look at the 2016 population for the zip […]