The Mahomet-Seymour School District notified junior high parents that a knife brought by a student was present at the sixth/ seventh-grade dance Friday night. In the email, it states, “On Friday, May 4, 2018 MSJH hosted a 6th-7th grade dance from 7-8:30 p.m. It was brought to an administrator’s attention that […]
Month: May 2018
MSHS Girls’ Track and Field claims Apollo Conference title
By FRED KRONER Mahomet-Seymour’s girls’ track and field team won the seven-team Apollo Conference championship on Friday at Mount Zion. The boys’ track and field squad placed second, but had individual champions in four events. Girls’ track and field Senior Jessica Franklin was a double winner for the Bulldogs, […]
Rose hosts Mahomet fourth graders at Capitol
Illinois Senator Chapin Rose hosted four Lincoln Trail fourth-grade classes at the State Capitol the week of April 30, 2018. The students spoke with Rose and toured the Capitol.
Village garage sale dates set for May 31-June 2
Village of Mahomet garage sales are scheduled for Thursday, May 31, Friday, June 1 and Saturday, June 2. The Mahomet Daily will produce a free garage sale guide. For a garage sale lising to be included in the guide, an email with the address and description must be delivered to […]
Board to discuss reclassification and separation agreement of employee Monday
The Mahomet-Seymour Board of Education will meet at 6:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room at Middletown Prairie Elementary on Monday, May 7. The first two items on the board agenda include, “Consideration and Action Upon a Resolution Reference the Proposed Reclassification of Courtney Porter” and “the Approval of Separation Agreement with an […]
Miller in kidney failure, seeks donor
Healthy kidneys have never been something Linda Miller has taken for granted. The 59-year old Mahomet resident, is the fourth generation to have polycystic kidney disease. Polycystic kidney disease is an inherited disorder in which clusters of cysts develop primarily within the kidneys, causing the kidneys to enlarge and lose […]
Rose hosts Glumac and Hodges at Youth Advisory Council meeting
State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) hosted Mahomet High School students and dozens of other students from other high school students from across the 51st Senate District April 2 at the Statehouse for his Youth Advisory Council. Rose’s bi-annual Youth Advisory Council gives students a unique, hands-on, and up-close experience in state […]
Letter to the Editor: Retired Lincoln Trail Teacher turned to Porter
Dear Editor: I am a retired 4th-grade teacher. I worked with Courtney for 6 years prior to retiring. She has an amazing impact on every single student at Lincoln Trail, each of whom she knows by name. She provides them with the perfect combination of caring, compassion, wisdom, and fun! […]
USRC to honor Berschinski and Weith on May 5
By FRED KRONER Organizations are bigger than any of its individuals, but the various persons are what enable the impact of service organizations to be so great. The Upper Sangamon River Conservancy (USRC) is no exception. On Saturday, the organization will honor two if its long-time volunteers, Chuck Berschinski […]
M-S teams start week with wins, Soccer grabs Apollo Conference Championship
By FRED KRONER Mahomet-Seymour’s girls’ soccer, softball and baseball teams all started the week off with wins. Girls’ soccer Brooke Benson scored the first M-S goal and assisted on the second Tuesday as the Bulldogs (16-2) extended their winning streak to 10 and clinched the outright Apollo Conference championship […]