The Mahomet-Seymour School Board voted 6-0 to reassign or demote Lincoln Trail Assistant Principal Courtney Porter to a teaching position Monday night. Voting board members include Max McComb, Cheryl Melchi, Lance Raver, Lori Larson, Merly Giles and Nezar Kassem. Board member Jenny Park abstained from voting. Porter has been Assistant Principal […]
Month: March 2018
A Look Inside Mahomet-Seymour High School: Students concerned about safety at school
This article is the second in a six-part series that addresses concerns five Mahomet-Seymour High Schoool students have about their environment at school. During an interview about school safety, these students discussed a multitude of issues that, they believe, lead to an unhealthy learning environment. These students come from different […]
A Look Inside Mahomet-Seymour High School: The Pieces (Commentary)
Interviews are often a very interesting process. Sometimes you sit down with a person and get straight answers. Other times, the person opens a new box of puzzle pieces, dropping the contents out in front of you. You leave the interview knowing there’s a big picture, but you have to […]
2018-2019 Mahomet-Seymour immunization requirements
The Mahomet-Seymour School District requires that all immunization information for PreK, Kindergarten, 6th and 9th graders must be on file with the school before these students can start the school year. [gview file=””]
Illinois Primary March 20: Mahomet resident sample ballots
Illinois primary elections are on March 20, 2018. Mahomet residents can cast their ballot at Lake of the Woods Road in the Lake of the Woods Pavillion on Tuesday, March 13 through Friday, March 16: 10:00am – 6:00pm, Saturday, March 17: 10:00am – 1:00pm, Sunday, March 18: 1:00pm – 4:00pm or Monday, […]
M-S School Board Meeting March 12
The Mahomet-Seymour School Board will meet at 7 p.m. on Monday, March 12 at Middletown Prairie Elementary. The Mahomet Daily reached out to Superintendent Lindsey Hall for clarification on the administrative reassignment and the dismissal of a teacher, but has not received a response. [gview file=””]
FFA Dinner and Dessert Auction benefits student leadership opportunities
Photo and Article by Emily Jankauski Each week the Mahomet Daily and Mahomet Citizen share articles. Smiles and laughter filled the room in a crowd of both young and old during Sunday’s third annual Dinner and Dessert Auction in the commons area at Mahomet-Seymour High School. “This is the first time […]
MSHS WYSE team takes first in Sectional competition
The Mahomet-Seymour WYSE Team (Worldwide Youth in Science and Engineering) took first place at the Eastern Illinois University Sectional competition with a perfect score of 500 points Thursday night. Students who placed in the competition include: Ben Dahl – 1st in Chem, 1st in English Nick Morrow – 1st in Math, 1st in Physics […]
Lincoln Trail food drive brings 1,637 lbs. of food to Mahomet Helping Hands
It just takes one idea to change people’s lives. Lincoln Trail fourth-grade student Levi Avery found that out Friday morning as his class delivered 1,637 pounds of food to Mahomet Helping Hands. Avery hoped the school of nearly 700 students could collect at least 700 to 1,000 pounds. Avery came […]
Yancy, Stahl to compete in IWCOA State Series this weekend
Mahomet-Seymour Freshmen Skylar Yancy qualified for the IWCOA Freshman/Sophomore State Championship meet in Springfield this weekend by taking second place in Sectionals Saturday. Yancy qualified from the IESA State series in 7th and 8th grade. Senior Ben Stahl will represent Team Illinois this weekend in the Illinois vs Indiana All-Star […]