Seymour, IL – William Howard “Bill” Herriott, 86, entered eternal rest on Christmas morning, Monday, December 25, 2017. Born on August 3, 1931 in Champaign County to Harold and Gretchen Herriott, Bill began playing the piano at the age of eight. Two years later his parents bought him the grand […]
Month: December 2017
Carey, Taylor and Lippold find value in Parkland College trade program
Kerry Lippold is a high school student who is getting used to the college routine. Just like Colton Carey and Grant Taylor before him. All are — or were — Mahomet-Seymour High School students with an interest in and an aptitude for the automotive repair industry. M-S, like many area […]
Christmas Tree Drop-Off at Lake of the Woods
The Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve will accept Christmas Trees for recycling December 26 through January 15. Some of the trees are chipped for mulch, but others place in the lake to be used as artificial habitat for aquatic species, especially fish. The trees provide protection, food and shade for […]
A Thank You Letter From John Scott
John Scott and his wife, Mary, run the soup kitchen at Candlewood. He shared this letter with the Mahomet Daily after a group of Mahomet residents dropped off presents to fill an immediate Christmas need. The Community Evangelical Free Church dropped off presents for a 5-year old and 1-year old […]
M-S fifth- and sixth-graders’ concert a whimsical winter wonderland
Photo and Article by Emily Jankauski: Ending the semester on a high note, the 25-year M-S music director Michael Stevens led the sixth-grade band to push its limits during the winter concert at the M-S High School gymnasium. The Mahomet Citizen and Mahomet Daily share a story between the publications […]
Gov. Rauner announces appointments to Mahomet Aquifer Task Force
CHICAGO (December 20, 2017) — Gov. Bruce Rauner today made appointments to the Mahomet Aquifer Task Force, which has been charged with protection of the Mahomet Aquifer, a primary source of drinking water for 500,000 central Illinois residents. “People throughout central Illinois depend on the Mahomet Aquifer for drinking water,” […]
“Silent Night”
We’ve all heard the oxymorons, right? You know, a figure of speech that uses contradictory terms that both make sense, no sense, or nonsense all at the same time. Terms like “active retirement”, “adult children”, “jumbo shrimp”, “fresh frozen”, “authentic replica”, “pretty ugly”, or “a minor catastrophe”. A personal example […]
Gonzalez nominated for Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders
A Mahomet-Seymour High School junior has been nominated to represent the state of Illinois at the Congress of Future Science and Technology Leaders next June. Rebecca Gonzalez received her nomination letter from John C Mather, Ph.D.the winner of the Nobel Prize in physics and the science director of the National […]
Unique public policy experience hosted by Rose for area high school students
Nearly 70 high school students from 26 high schools across State Sen. Chapin Rose’s (R-Mahomet) 51st Senate District participated in a unique, hands-on experience in public policy, state government, and leadership on Dec. 8, as part of Rose’s Youth Advisory Council. Rose hosted the all-day Youth Advisory Council in Decatur […]
Allison’s fourth grade class celebrates Christmas Around the World
Unlike Thanksgiving and the Fourth of July, Christmas is one of the few holidays many nations and cultures share. Lincoln Trail Kara Allison takes advantage of this fact by pairing her expository writing unit with a chance to give students the opportunity to present through Hands Around the World each […]