Month: November 2017


People’s Gas schedules public information sessions for Tuesday, methane gas found in two additional private wells

People’s Gas spokesman Brian Manthey said Friday that “trace amounts,” of methane gas was found in two additional private wells in the vicinity of a leak that occurred approximately 6 miles north of Mahomet last December. That brings to seven the number of private wells that had confirmed levels of methane. “We […]

Uncategorized ranks Mahomet-Seymour School District 28th best in Illinois

The Mahomet-Seymour School District was recognized for its excellence once again this year as ranked the district in the top 100 schools in Illinois., which ranks schools and school districts based on academics, health and safety, parent and student surveys, student culture, facilities and extracurricular activities, among others, […]


Village Board Agenda 11.14.2017

The Village of Mahomet board will meet at 6 p.m. on November 14 at the Village of Mahomet Administration Meeting. [gview file=””] [gview file=””]


Thomas saves his father’s life

Ethan Thomas faced the ultimate test of his knowledge last summer. School had been out for about two months when the sophomore-to-be at Mahomet-Seymour found himself in a life-and-death situation. His father, 37-year-old Travis Thomas, had suffered a heart attack and waslying on the living room floor, between the couch […]