A bee on a flower may be a nuisance to some, but to Ken Keefe, a bee on a flower means a whole lot more. Keefe, owner of Keefe’s Pure Honey, began his bee farm five years ago off North IL-47 as a gardener who wanted bees to pollinate his […]
Month: June 2017
7 Tips for a Smoother Homebuying Process
Buying a home can be exhausting, exciting and fulfilling—all at the same time. In celebration of American Housing Month in June, Busey Home Mortgage shares helpful and practical home buying tips to avoid potential pitfalls. Create a checklist. List all items, amenities and desires as you weigh prospective homes, and […]
Duling retires from Mahomet-Seymour High School
After 34 years of working with students who need an extra boost, Mahomet-Seymour High School Support Services Teacher Susan Duling will retire at the end of the 2017 school year. Duling, who didn’t know she wanted to become a teacher when she began her career, majored in something other than […]
An Open Letter to Cheryl Odle
Dear Cheryl, I’m am sorry for writing this to you publicly. I know it’s not the right thing to do, but I just found out how sick you were three days ago. I went to Walgreens to buy you a card that sat in my car for more than 24 […]