After 30 years serving the Mahomet community, Dentist Val Woodruff is retiring and moving back “home” to Washington state where she grew up and where she met her husband. “This is such a mixed blessing,” Woodruff said. “I am so happy to be going home. But I am so sad […]
Month: March 2017
Driving Out the Darkness in the Bathroom
I came to the conclusion about three years ago that people want two things in life: 1) everyone wants to belong (to be loved, accepted and have a place) and 2) that everyone wants to be heard (implying that also means they have a voice). Take one of these two […]
Donations to Special Olympics made in honor of McNulty
Friends and family of Sophmore Madeleine McNulty, who passed away from complications of from PCDH19 epilepsy on February 25, 2017, are selling bracelets to raise money for the Mahomet Special Olympics team. Madeleine competed with the local Special Olympics team by participating in gymnastics, bowling and bocce ball. She participated […]
MPRD Easter Egg Hunt April 8
The Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department will host the 10th Annual Egg Hunt on April 8 at Elks Lake Pavilion at the Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve. Children ages 0 to 10 will have the opportunity to meet the Easter Bunny and have fun with a good ole’ fashion […]
Mahomet-Seymour Foundation Celebrate Art April 9
After creating many art pieces over the 2016-2017 school year, art students in the Mahomet-Seymour School District will be honored at Celebrate Art on April 9 in the Mahomet-Seymour High School Commons. Artwork, including drawings, paintings and pottery will be on display for the public to browse from 1-4 p.m. […]
Mahomet-Seymour Election Map Explained
While the Champaign County Sample ballots for April 4, 2017 Consolidated Election are not ready at this time, it is important to understand the difference between the Village of Mahomet and the outskirts of town. On the map above, the highlighted pink/peach area, taken from the public map at the […]
MSJHS Production of Bye-Bye Birdie this weekend
The Mahomet-Seymour Junior High Drama Department will present its first student-led musical production, Bye Bye Birdie Friday and Saturday at 6:30 p.m. The department began preparing for the production last year when Sponsors Miranda Crawford and Beth Hensley decided to help students develop the skills needed to put a play […]
Early registration for Run for the Library ends Saturday
The Run for the Library will be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, April. 1 at the Lake of the Woods Forest Preserve. Proceeds from the 5K run/walk are 10K run are split between the Friends for the Library and the Mahomet Rotary Club. The Friends of the Library help the […]
All the things women cannot do today
Written by Faith Swartzendruber and Dani Tietz Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. It’s also recently heralded as a “Day Without a Woman”. A day when women are supposed to wear red, not go to work, not spend money in stores, to protest and give to charitable organizations that […]
All the Things Women Cannot Do Today
Written by Faith Swartzendruber and Dani Tietz Today, March 8, is International Women’s Day. It’s also recently heralded as a “Day Without a Woman”. A day when women are supposed to wear red, not go to work, not spend money in stores, to protest and give to charitable organizations that […]