The Mahomet Parks and Recreation Department will roll out the red carpet as they host a Daddy/Daughter Dance on February 18 at 6 p.m. at the Lake of the Pavilion. Event Coordinator Denise Reynolds said, “We saw the need and decided a Daddy Daughter Dance was a perfect event for […]
Month: January 2017
My Daughter Did Not Make the Musical: Why I Create An Environment Where She Fails
My daughter found out she did not make the cast of Grease at Mahomet-Seymour High School last night. It wasn’t a surprise when her name wasn’t on the list of nearly 70 cast members, but still, being part of the team is something she really wanted to do. Her interest […]
Nazarene Church to host Rhythm Dukes Saturday
The Mahomet Church of the Nazarene invites the Mahomet community to join them for a night of winter fun as the Rhythm Dukes perform soft rock favorites beginning at 6 p.m. on Saturday. Looking for ways to reach and provide for the Mahomet community, the congregation decided to offer entertainment […]
Top Financial Concerns Among Generations
Whether you’re a baby boomer saving for retirement or a millennial paying off debt, a common concern—no matter the generation—is money. Finances are the top cause of stress for 38 percent of boomers, 46 percent of Generation Xers and 51 percent of millennials—according to a survey by PricewaterhouseCoopers. Busey shares […]