Community Evangelical Free Church Christmas Eve 6:30pm Christmas Day 9:30am Mahomet Christian Church Christmas Eve, candlelight, communion 6:30pm First Baptist Church Christmas Eve, candlelight 11pm Christmas Day 10:45am Grace Church Christmas Eve Service: 6:00pm Christmas Morning Service: 9:30am Life Community Church Christmas Eve candlelight 4:00pm No sunday service Lutheran Church […]
Month: December 2016
FMP donates over $4,000 to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
The Mahomet-Seymour High School Freshman Mentor Program we raised $4,894.32 during the Pasta for Pennies campaign to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. This fundraiser is sponsored by Olive Garden and the Office Depot. Over a time period of 3 weeks, our ten advisories competed against each other to raise […]
Timberview Lane lights up for Christmastime
It’s Christmastime. And Mahomet residents also know it’s time to head to the “Griswold” house. As one of the most sought out Christmas displays in Mahomet, George and Dixie Schoonover have delighted both young and old with their elaborate Christmas light display at their home at 701 N. Timberview […]
Santa and Mrs. Claus answer questions from students
Students in Gay Fritz’s second grade and Sarah Kaper’s first grade class submitted question for a Mahomet Daily exclusive interview with Santa and Mrs. Claus.Many students submitted similar questions, so our team narrowed them down. Thank you for your questions, students! The Elves How many elves do you have? We […]
Holiday Shopping: 7 Savvy Financial Tips
The bells will ring for retailers this holiday season if predictions from the National Retail Federation are any indication. Shoppers are expected to spend a staggering $935.58; 58 percent of shoppers will splurge on themselves. Keep your holidays merry and don’t overspend with these 7 Savvy Financial Tips from Busey […]
New study confirms ratepayers will pay more if Clinton’s nuclear plant closes Brattle Group study: Consumers face billions in extra costs if Clinton/Cordova nuclear plants close
Springfield, IL – A new study confirms a previous study by the Illinois Commerce Commission (ICC), which found that consumers will pay more in electric bills with the slated closure of nuclear power plants in Clinton and Cordova. It is important to note that this new study was commissioned by consumers […]