Here we are on the last day of 2015 and I can’t help but raise my hands to the heavens and say, “Thank you, God!” In my mind, 2015 will go down as a year of heartache and struggle. And with excitement I will wave goodbye to the last 365 […]
Month: December 2015
Swartzendruber opens Simply Well Massage Therapy to help people of all ages
Simply Well Massage Therapy owner Faith Swartzendruber wants to help people feel their best. Swartzendruber, who has always had a desire to become a massage therapist, completed the Parkland College Massage Therapy program in August, and will open the doors to clients at 207 E. Oak Street #D on January […]
2016 Illinois laws focus on family and animals
Despite differences over Illinois budget, Illinois lawmakers and Governor Bruce Rauner did come to terms on 237 new laws, many, of which, will go into effect on January 1, 2016. The complete list can be found here. State Pie Illinois State Pie: HB0208 Designates pumpkin pie as the official State […]
Local officers deliver food baskets throughout Champaign County
It was an early morning for Mahomet Police Officer Dave Parsons and Chaplain Lutz Braunig. As members of the Illinois Fraternal Order of Police, Illini Lodge 17, the duo met up at 4 a.m. on Monday to join other officers as they packed boxes of Christmas food for needy families in […]
Bridle Brook under new ownership, customer service still foundation for day-to-day operations
Under new ownership, Bridle Brook Senior Living Community, is receiving some much needed updates, but is focused on continuing to offer superior care for its residents and their families. “There is some misconception out there because over the years, there have been different management companies manage the day-to-day operations; so […]
Students test Lego buildings against simulated earthquake
trim.2F0A8A9B-51B6-4503-881B-6A3E2F0EEE64 Students in Margaret Miller and Chuck Durst’s fourth grade classes held a “Shakes and Quakes” today at Lincoln Trail. The “Shakes and Quakes” was part of a special science project the classes worked on with University of Illinois professor Bill Spencer, two visiting faculty from China, a graduate student […]
Somewhere in the messy room
Let me set the scene for you. I have two daughters, 15 and 12 years, and one son, who is 10-years old. Sometimes I try to imagine how other people see my kids. You may look at one child who always stands out by the way she dresses and see […]
Taffies Cafe opens in Mahomet
A long-time family favorite breakfast spot opened its doors to Mahomet Wednesday. Taffies Family Restaurant, which was located on Mattis in Champaign for over 30 years, closed its doors in August. But Wednesday, the Vanmatre family, which has been part of the Taffies’ family for 20 years, opened Taffies Cafe […]
Principal’s Advisory Council Benefits High School, Students
When Mahomet Seymour High School Principal Shannon Cheek wants to know what improvements can be made in his school, he turns to the people who know best: his students. The Principal’s Advisory Council, which started last year, provides students with the opportunity to share ideas, offer suggestions and discuss concerns, […]