Mahomet residents are invited to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the covered bridge at Lake of the Woods on Monday, August 3 from 3 to 5 p.m.. The event will kick-off with a presentation entitled “The Covered Bridge at Lake of the Woods: Everything you wanted to know about it, […]
Month: July 2015
Village, school distict, CIRBN to enter into four-year high speed internet agreement
The Village of Mahomet Board of Trustees are expected to vote on a four-year agreement which would permit the Central Illinois Regional Broadband Network (CIRBN) to lease fiber optic lines from the Mahomet-Seymour School District and the Village at Tuesday’s Village Board Meeting. CIRBN currently provides high speed internet service […]
Mahomet-Seymour board looks at financial outlook
Despite decreased state and federal funding over the last four years with increased enrollment in the Mahomet-Seymour School District, Superintendent Rick Johnston and Chief School Business Official Trent Nuxoll reported significant financial gains during Monday night’s school board meeting. “The news isn’t good, but the news is that we are […]
Eagle Scout project to benefit MS Drama Department
Tyler Chalfant is a vital member of the Mahomet-Seymour High School drama department both on and off the stage. He has acted in productions, built sets, and now, thanks to his Eagle Scout project, another of his talents will be remembered for years to come. Chalfant’s Eagle Scout project was […]
How to protect your identity from a data breach: Part II
The possibility of the average consumer becoming a victim of a data breach grows with each new advancement in the electronic age. A data breach occurs when sensitive or confidential information such as drivers’ license numbers, medical records, Social Security numbers, bank or credit-card account numbers is stolen, copied or […]
Day Trips: What’s Really Important
Although I am an extremely reflective person, I’ve never looked at my life quite like I have over the last seven days. With my oldest daughter going into high school, I have begun to take count of the time I have left in this house with these kids. When they […]
Support for Bunch goes a long way
Community support has been the backbone of Dani Bunch’s training since she was a seventh grade student at Mahomet-Seymour Junior High School. Now, Bunch, who was named the Big 10 Female Athlete of the Year in 2014, needs continued support from the community as she trains to compete professionally. “I […]
Local Young Man to earn Eagle Scout While Helping Disabled Hunters
[two_third] Fulfilling a dream years in the making, a local young man will become an Eagle Scout by this fall, and his efforts will help hunters with disabilities enjoy an activity many take for granted. Lane Coffey, incoming freshman at Mahomet Seymour High School, said this project to help hunters […]
Day Trip:Trying new things in Chicago
Being so close to Chicago, we take our kids to the windy city pretty much every year. This time, my oldest (14) suggested that we go to Chicago to visit the Shedd Aquarium. She loves the beluga whales and wanted to see the newborn dolphin (which we didn’t get to […]
Champion Fitness opens doors in Mahomet
Champion Fitness Physical Therapy will open its door to the Mahomet community Thursday during a Customer Appreciation Day from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will kick-off with the Mahomet Chamber of Commerce celebrating the business with a ribbon cutting ceremony at 10:45 a.m. Following the ribbon cutting, guests […]