Month: September 2014


MSHS FFA team takes soil competition

TheMahomet-Seymour FFA Soilsteam won the Section 17 FFA Soils Contest for the fourth time in a row. Jack Lourash was the top individual overall. He was followed by Hannah Douglas, 4th place overall; Thomas McClellan, 7th place overall; Maddie Cender, 9th place overall. Pictured: Hannah Douglas, Tyler Courson, Jack Lourash, […]


Foundation updates logo, ready to support district both short and long-term

Coming off a successful Bulldog Bash last spring, members of the Mahomet-Seymour Educational Foundation are ready to provide financial support for educational opportunities throughout the Mahomet-Seymour School District during the 2014-2015 school year. The Foundation will kick-off its giving campaign this Friday as members will throw small frisbees and smarties […]