Month: June 2014


Some Mahomet homeschool families to begin Classical Conversations curriculum in fall

Mahomet families seeking information about a home-centered education movement called Classical Conversations met at the Mahomet Public Library Wednesday. Mahomet resident Julie Baker, who initiated the idea implementing Classical Conversations into the Mahomet homeshool community, said about 10 families have committed to the program. Classical Conversations was developed in 1997 […]


Board not interested in smoke ban in parks yet; MPRD seeks to increase athletic facility fee

Mahomet Parks and Recreation Director Dan Waldinger presented the possibility of “Smoke Free Parks” and an increase in athletic field reservation fees to Village Board members Tuesday night. The Champaign Public Health Department asked officials in Champaign, Urbana, Mahomet, Rantoul, Savoy and the Champaign County Forest Preserve to consider the […]