Money Smart Week will begin Saturday as the Mahomet Public Library hosts Money Smart Kids at 1 p.m. Children ages 3 and up will learn the importance of saving money as Youth Services Librarian Kim Oslawski reads “Curious George Saves His Pennies” by Margret and H.A. Rey. The first 15 […]
Month: April 2014
Military Family Prayer Support Group meets for the first time tonight
Military families often find it difficult to find information or support when a loved one is deployed thousands of miles away from home in harm’s way. The Military Family Prayer Support Group, which will meet on the first Tuesday of the month from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Lutheran […]
Public Stuff app connects residents to Village staff
Communication between Mahomet residents and Village officials is now easier with an online and mobile program called Public Stuff. Village Administrator Mell Smigielski won a free trial of Public Stuff at a conference a few years ago. With public participation, the Village staff decided to adopt the service into the […]