Month: November 2013


A beautiful mess

I love photography, but I love my kids more than photography. Kids are messy.  Kids are exhausting.  Kids are filled with surprises.  Kids are demanding.  Kids are beautiful.  Kids are experts at pushing my buttons… buttons I didn’t even know I had.  Kids are amazing.  Kids are smart.  Kids are […]


Going to make it count

I met my husband and three children at O’Charleys three weeks ago before we surprised the kids with a movie during the grand opening celebration at the Carmike movie theatre. I hadn’t seen the kids all day, so they began telling me about their school day as we were seated. […]


Fifth grade students share thanks

Fifth grade students in Sarah Dyer and Kari Calcagno’s class gathered together yesterday to reflect on their blessings while they shared a homemade meal Wednesday. The Thanksgiving feast began years ago when Lincoln Trail fourth grade students traveled to Lake of the Woods for a colonial feast, which included turkey […]


Award winning author visits Lincoln Trail

New York Times Bestselling author Aaron Reynolds helped Lincoln Trail kick of Celebrate Reading week Friday as he spoke to students about the components of writing a mystery. After reviewing past author visits which included poetry, nonfiction, fiction and storytelling, Remedial Reading teacher Kathy Rowell and Librarian Kathy Bennett chose […]