The Mahomet Rotary Club celebrated the dedication of a shelter they built along the Buffalo Trace Trail on Sun. The shelter and picnic table located at Prairie Park just north of Mahomet-Seymour High School on Crowley Rd. is the first handicap accessible shelter on the Buffalo Trace Trail. The MSHS […]
Month: October 2013
Crosses represent life throughout October
The 2000 crosses across from Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church at 501 W. State Street are more than a quiet statement. For the committee, which developed the concept in 2007, the crosses are promoting life from conception to natural death. Parishioner Guy Christopher said the group chose to […]
Arie purchases Food Truck
We live in a village. Bondville, Illinois. Population 502. I think my husband and I are the oh-two. My husband was born and raised here, in Central Illinois. I was born in England and grew up in Las Vegas; and the both of us spent the last 20 years living […]
What Will Your Kids Be When They Grow Up?
While emptying the dishwasher with me last week, my blonde daughter who only enjoys direct answers asked me, “What do you think Jordyn (my oldest) will be when she grows up?” I very matter of factly said, “I think J will be kind when she grows up,” I said. “No […]
Business owner supports Challenger League
Baseball fans throughout Champaign-Urbana flocked to the Urbana Holiday Inn on Oct. 4 to meet Pete Rose during Mike’s Mega Events fundraiser to support the Tom Jones Challenger League. But when fourth grade student Preston Hodges and 14-year-old Andrew Moseley, put on their Challenger baseball uniforms, they were less interested […]
Village welcomes new Planner and Community Development Director
The Village board approved the appointment of Planner and Community Development Director, Kelly Pfeifer during the Village board meeting Tuesday night. Pfeifer will begin her duties on Oct. 28. Pfeifer replaces Bob Mahrt who resigned in July to accept a position in another community. “Kelly bring a lot of customer […]
Mahomet Curves helps woman with breast cancer
Breast cancer awareness has become personal for Mahomet Curves. Nationally, the Curves organization wants to help women “Punch Out Breast Cancer” with $10 punch cards, which can be purchased as gifts or in memory of a loved one. All proceeds from the fundraiser go to breast cancer research. Locally, the […]
School board discusses upcoming long-term plan
The Mahomet-Seymour School District will go into the initial talks for a District-wide 15-year plan within the next few months. At the Monday night school board meeting, Superintendent Rick Johnson said through looking at the capacity of the District and setting benchmarks for development, the District will be able to […]
Be Transformed
I don’t remember exactly when it began, but I know I was fairly young when I first started criticizing my body and comparing myself to friends. Until High School I was taller than most of the boys, which meant I was easily taller than my girlfriends as well and that […]
Brown presents vision for Mahomet
Mahomet Mayor Patrick Brown joined the Mahomet Chamber of Commerce this morning to present his vision for Mahomet. In his first six months in office, Brown, the Mahomet Board of Trustees and the Village staff began to implement the changed vision for Mahomet that Brown promised in his campaign. Through […]