
10 Question Friday: Tricia Kassem

About Tricia Kassem 

I’m originally from Lorain, Ohio. I got my BA in Psychology and Sociology from Ursuline College in Pepper Pike, Ohio in 1994. Specialist in School Psychology from Western Illinois University in 1997.  I’ve been married for almost 26 years. Amin, my husband is the Chief Information Officer at Parkland College and we have 3 daughters. Samira is a senior at Illinois Wesleyan in Bloomington, Soha is a Freshman at Colorado State University and Noora is a Freshman at Mahomet High School. We have a 5 year old rescue beagle mix. We’ve lived in Mahomet since 2002. 

1. If you could change one thing about the last year what would you change? 

Just one thing LOL? I would like to have seen the US have a strong enough national leader who  could unite under the fight against COVID-19 instead of dividing us. I believe if we had strong  national leadership, we would be in a better situation with the virus and also with the economy.  

2. Is there anything new you tried last year? How was your experience? 

I learned a LOT of new  tech during the past year both professionally and personally. Remote learning created the need  to use tech to work remotely. Also, I had to get used to shopping online and doing advanced  ordering from the grocery store with curbside pick-up. I am not very tech savvy but have learned  so much so fast. I have to give props to all of the teachers and other school staff who have been  teaching remotely. You have done such an amazing job. I can’t brag about the tech I learned  without bragging about the total change that teachers had to adapt to. Give love to teachers! 

3. How many languages do you speak? Would you learn another language if you had the chance?  Which one? 

I speak English. I do know a little Spanish, enough to kind of understand some  conversations in context and to say a few basic phrases. I also know a bit of Arabic. I mostly  know a bunch of vocabulary words in Arabic. Spanish would help me in my job and Arabic  would help me communicate with my in-laws and husband’s family. If I were younger and  smarter, I would learn both Spanish and Arabic. I would learn Spanish and would have studied abroad in a Spanish speaking  country to be a fluent speaker. Studying abroad these days is so common. It was not as  common when I was in college. Some people did it, but I never thought I could. I regret not  making it happen. 

4. What do you do in your free time? 

I Read, watch TV, Exercise using “Just Dance” with my 14-year old daughter, walk my rescue dog Piper, Play Candy Crush, Listen to 80’s music. 

5. If you can go back and change one thing about yourself/life, what would that be? 

Piggy backing  on question 3, I would learn Spanish and would have studied abroad in a Spanish speaking  country to be a fluent speaker. Studying abroad these days is so common. It was not as  common when I was in college. Some people did it, but I never thought I could. I regret not  making it happen. 

6. What’s your favorite movie/TV show/book? 

Movie: Greatest Showman and Marvel movies; TV  Show: Downton Abbey, ER, Parks and Rec., and This Is Us; Book: Anything by Maya Angelou, Born  a Crime by Trevor Noah, and Becoming By Michelle Obama. 

7. Have you been to counties outside of the US? If you could live anywhere in the world, where  would you live and why?

  I have been to Canada, Mexico, Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. If I could  live anywhere, I would always go back to the beach. The sun on my face, the ocean breeze, the salty  air, the sand beneath my feet, watching the sun rise and set over the ocean. Just heaven to me. 

8. How important is culture to you? 

Culture is important to me but lately, I have been very  focused on equity and social justice. I acknowledge how privileged I am and how I need to use  this for much needed change. I spend a lot of time reading and attending webinars and  professional and personal development to work to improve equity and justice.  

9. To you, what is the meaning of life? 

We have a short time on this earth. Life is about love for  each other and love for our surroundings (nature, animals). We should spend time building up  humanity and caring for the earth.  

10. Have you done any kind of dangerous sports or adrenaline-pumping activities? What was it? 

My family and I went parasailing a few summers ago on vacation. My husband, daughter, and I  went up together. I held her hand so tight it cut off circulation and her hand turned purple. It was terrifying. I am afraid of heights so NEVER AGAIN!

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