Mahomet’s Mike Daab currently works as the Deputy Director for Planning and Development for the Champaign County Forest Preserve. He is also an avid explorer of the Sangamon River and a father to two children and husband to Jenny.
Do you have any nicknames? How did you get them?
I picked up Daabers and Snoop Daab in high school just based on my last name.
What would you do if you knew you could not fail?
Place a big long odds bet.
What advice would you give your 16-year old self?
Find some confidence and don’t sell yourself short. Take advantage of opportunities and experiences. It’d be a long conversation.
Do you have a favorite line from a movie?
“It’s our time down here.” – The Goonies. I’ve always been terrible with movie quotes.
Would you rather go 30 days without your phone or your entire life without dessert?
I don’t even have that much of a sweet tooth, but my whole life? I would definitely go without my phone for 30 days. It’d probably be even better for my health than giving up dessert, too.
When was the last time you did something for the first time? What did you do?
We rented a pontoon boat on Lake Cumberland a couple of months ago. It was my first time as captain for the day.
Would you rather be a fish in a tank or in the open water?
Open water. Scary, but full of possibility.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
I can remember wanting to be an astronomer at one point, but I can also remember telling people I wanted to be a forest ranger since at least as far back as 7th grade. I got pretty close!
Where is your favorite place to get takeout in Champaign County?
The Sunday half chicken special at Lil’ Porgy’s is tough to beat.
What’s the milestone you’re working towards right now in your personal and professional life?
As a dad, it’s tough to think about a personal milestone in isolation from my kids. So, the personal milestone I’m working towards is releasing my kids into the world with the tools they need to find their own success. Professionally, I’d like to keep gaining executive experience so that I can lead a well rounded conservation agency like the Champaign County Forest Preserve District someday.