
10 Question Friday: Lutz Braunig

  1. If you could change one thing about the last year what would you change? 

Compassion, too many people didn’t take time to form their responses to situations.

  1. Is there anything new you tried last year? How was your experience? 

Not new, but new again, we started doing revivals again, both preaching and singing. A whole new experience and very rewarding.

  1. How many languages do you speak? Would you learn another language if you had the chance? Which one? 

       I speak two languages, German and English. I do not believe that I would tackle another at this  time, but if I did, it would be French. 

  1. What do you do in your free time? 

Free-time? Wow what is that. I ride the Harley, I prepare sermons, I am a Law Enforcement Chaplain, I have 2 kids, 4 grandchildren, 4 great-grandchildren and serve 2 funeral homes as minister. My wife and I enjoy, yes don’t hate me, Hallmark movies.

  1. If you can go back and change one thing about yourself/ life what would that be? 

Actually nothing, I believe that God has directed my life and I am where I am to be, and those in  my life are there to help make me a better person. 

  1. What’s your favorite movie/tv show/book? 

My fav movie is a German movie, Heimweh Nach St. Pauli that means homesick for St Pauli. Tv show is anything on the Smithsonian Channel. Book is of course the Bible.

  1. Have you been to any countries outside of the United States? If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

Well since my life started in Spandau Germany, then to Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada and then Mahomet Illinois there’s lots to choose from. I have traveled to all 48 states in a semi and I have experienced the Northwest Territories, Paris France, and London England. If it would not mean leaving family and friends, I would love to return to my homeland Germany.

  1. How important is your culture to you? 

My culture is very important. It is what makes me who I am and what I enjoy and love to share with family and friends. Life in Germany is at a much slower pace.

  1. To you, what is the meaning of life? 

The meaning of life to me is my relationship to God. The people in my life are loved by me because I first loved God and made Him Lord of my life. It is also what has me loving Law Enforcement Officers, it means everything to me to help an officer or his family through hard times or celebrate joyous celebrations.

  1. Have you done any kind of dangerous sports or adrenaline pumping activities? What was it? 

Well I did play hockey in school in Canada, but what I love is riding my Harley, especially with my wife. It relaxes us both and we enjoy travelling…

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