About Dustin
I am a 33 year-old father of 3, and currently married to my high school sweetheart. I spent 3 years in the US Army with one deployment to Afghanistan. I graduated from EIU with my Bachelors in 2019 and am currently the Program Director for the Mahomet Area Youth Club.
- How long have you lived in Mahomet, what has your experience been like and why did you move here?
I have lived in Mahomet for 22 years, I moved here in Jr High after my mom passed away.
- If you or a family member has been working from home, taking classes remotely, etc… what is the greatest benefit?
We have taken part in both remote and in person options over the last year. Being able to be together is what I would consider the greatest benefit.
- How did you cope with the freezing temperatures we had in February 2021?
It is not the worst I have experienced so pretty easily. Just bundled up when cold and hoped for Spring’s early arrival.
- Did you or your family do any kind of winter activities, if yes what was it?
This year with my wife’s school schedule, and my work schedule we were pretty busy. We did however make some snow ice cream with the kids.
- What are your thoughts on the pandemic after having experienced it for a year?
This last year will be one of the biggest things that define this decade and we just started. It is sad that so many people have lost their lives, jobs, and homes due to this illness. I hope those picking up the scraps are successfully rebuilding their lives as things trend toward normal.
- What’s the most important thing you have learned from 2020?
Do not take the small things for granted.
- Do you have a bucket list? If yes, what are the top three items?
I do mentally. Skydiving, Visit Rome, and I am marking one off this year by going to the Army/Navy game!
- What’s your favorite time of the day and why?
I would say 5-7pm. I think that is generally the “calmest” time of the day as everyone is settling down.
- What’s your favorite book/tv/movie?
My favorite book is Can’t Hurt Me by David Goggins, Movie-there are a ton but Step Brothers, and TV show is hands down The Office.
- What’s your definition/meaning of life?
Life is crazy and definitely different for everyone. I feel that if I have changed just one person’s life for the better than I have been successful in life.